So how would you like 12 miles on the mill?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Well I woke up this morning for my long run of 12. I turned on the TV to see the weather and guess what! 37 degrees and windy with a touch of rain. Make that a lot of rain. So I quickly turned around and found the comfort of my warm bed. So when I got out of bed I had to finish up the dredded tax forms. Don't worry it was just the city and school the others were done weeks ago. After that I went to the Y. I figured that some miles where better than nothing. Before I knew it I had plans to finish my 12 on the mill. I had brought wild cherry life savers for a little flavor and gatorade. Around 3 miles in I popped one in my mouth. I chewed on it, what seemed to happen next is a peice got logged in my airway. So while running and my eyes watering I caughed. Alot!!! With a mile left I got the chills, you know because the Y likes the room to be set at 100 degrees.
After I got home I have a tendency of relaxing in my car for a few minutes. While I was doing this my neighbor was walking by and seemed to think that something was wrong. I quickly jumped out to reassure him I was ok. Later I gourged myself on Chillis chicken strips with fries and corn. Yum Yum. That was my day in a nut shell.

Love running and everything about it.


Posted by ebear at 7:52 PM 1 comments  

Bad language

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I know this should contain some exercise news, so here it is. I did a tempo run today. My three mile run was under 24 min. which is pretty good. I have run faster but that will do. The y did not have towels at 1:45 pm in the afternoon which seems stupid. I think I was covered in an inch of sweat when I got done. Then I did 10 min on the bike.

On with my title. The people at work use bad language all the time. I think that they feel it is there god given duty to use such language. I just can't understand it. I mean, I understand the occasional slip or when you are steaming mad. They could be having the best day ever and they would swear every other word. I even think they call me girly just for not talking like them. Now granted they are good friends and treat me just like they treat everyone else. I just have not figured out the fascination.

Just my thoughts.

Love running and everything about it!


Posted by ebear at 3:12 PM 0 comments  

My reason for running

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

You know the reason! It is the same for everyone. To get healthy, stay sexy looking, have rock hard legs, and my favorite (get big veins in my legs). With that said I just feel a sense of accomplishment. The running 1 or 2 miles is great but that does not prove anything to me now. I can do something that most people can't or don't want to do. That may be selfish but to me it makes me feel special. For someone who spent most of his childhood feeling average it finally feels wonderful to feel better than average. My wife thinks I am strange that I get emotional after a huge race. What she doesn't understand is that moment is a completion to all the preparation of the prior months. We as runners have worked so hard. Each at there own pace and difficulty but they still finished. That gives me chills. I used to never like watching the Ironman on TV. Now I can not get enough, I understand thier feelings and how hard they worked. I dream of the day I can do a tri. I love the runs but it would be another challenge and accomplishment that I can be proud of. In my shelfishness I wish that all those people who knew me before and made fun of my average ability could see me know. That is shelfish but It would make me feel damn good.

Love running and everything about it!


Posted by ebear at 2:13 PM 0 comments  

My hope

Well I mentioned that I was planning my running year. If all goes as planned I will be running 3 big events.

Flying pig Half marathon. Already signed up for.
Chicago marathon if not sold out.
Stone creek 50k. If I make it through the marathon (they are a week apart)

love running and everything about it!


Posted by ebear at 2:09 PM 0 comments  

Sometimes I am around and Sometimes I am not.

Well I know it has been a long time since I have had any entries. Excuses Excuses. Well I started my training back around Feb something. I signed up for the Flying pig half marathon and was trying to plan my year. I since have had some fustrating times. Now that I am no longer on second shift it is harder to work out. I find that I am tired when I get home. Again no excuse but it is a major adjustment. Then my left achilles is bothering me. Some days it is fine and on other days it never stops aching. I am up to eleven miles in my training program and that run went perfect. It could have been faster but I will take a 9 something pace per mile. This also is with the extra pounds I have taken on this winter. I have been able to get some workouts in each week but my eating habits have not improved. To top this off my toe now has a sore red spot on it. Almost like it is infected. I wonder is God trying to tell me something? Is he saying enough is enough or perserve through this, continue what you love. My joy of running has seemed to leave until I am actually about half a mile in to a run. Then I settle in. Don't get me wrong. I love running it makes me happy.

Love running and everything about it!


Posted by ebear at 1:57 PM 0 comments